Introducing S3 Bucket
S3 is object based stroage, meaning you can store files and folders but not operating systems or database.
- Files can be upto 5TB
- Unlimited storage
- Files are stored in buckets
- S3 is a universal name space and must be unique globally ``
- Read after write conistency for puts of new objects
- Eventual consistency for overwrite PUTS and Deletes (takes time to propogate) - click here for more info
- Built for 99.99% availability
- Guarantees 99.999999999% (11 9s) durability for s3 (pretty much 100% durable)
- Lifecycle mgm, based on the age of the file
- Versioning
- Encruption
Creating S3 buckets
- Create a bucket (use a uniqe name)
- Enable versioning (once enabled can only be suspended, can’t disable versioning)
- Under managemnet, create a rule for lifecycle,
- Enable current version and previous version set 30/60 days respectivly
- Notice it defaults to 425 days. it’s defaulting to a year (365 days) after your last lifecycle movement. 365 days after your objects transition to Glacier, which, in turn, happen 60 days from object creation.
- Lifecycle can be used in conjuction with versioning
- can be applied to current and pervious versions
- by default, new created buckets are private
- you can setup access control to your buckets using both:
- bucket policies
- access control list (can drill down to individual objects)
- S3 buckets can log access request to another bucket or even another account
- Snowball Petabyte-scale data transport solutionthat suses secure appliances to transfer large amount of data into and out of AWS.